
For your convenience, we will prepare personal laminated shipping tags so that you can attach them to your hides and skulls for shipment to Legends Taxidermy. These are especially helpful in keeping your trophies properly identified. They also help us when we are checking in your shipment.
Trophies From Within the United States
When sending your trophies to be mounted please:
1) Be sure that the items being sent are properly preserved (click here to contact us for info).
2) Wrap the salted hide in burlap or cloth. Any moisture trapped in a plastic bag may cause irreparable damage, hair slipping, or rotting of the hide.
3) Please enclose a letter stating the following:
Full Name
Complete Address
Daytime Phone Number
Hunting License Number
Tag Number or Seal Number
Fax Number
Email Address
4) Make sure that every package is carefully addressed and that your name and return address appear on the outside of the package. If the contents are perishable or need immediate attention upon arrival, please mark the package accordingly.
Trophies From Outside of North America
(Africa, Asia, South America, ect.)
All shipments originating outside of North America should be sent to the Port of New York or Chicago as follows:
Coppersmith Inc.
Attn: Michael Lewis
760 Bonnie Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Final Destination:
Legends Taxidermy
5089 N US Hwy 31
Scottville, MI 49454
In order to assure that your trophies reach the safety and security of our studio and to save you additional storage charges, please arrange to have shipping details emailed to the broker you have chosen.
We suggest that you contact your Custom Broker (one of the above) immediately upon returning from your hunt to provide them details of who now has your trophies. They will monitor the progress of your trophy’s dip and pack processing and arrange the transportation of your trophies to our studio.