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Pre Hunt Information

Prior to your hunt:

Contact Legends Taxidermy Studios for your free, personalized shipping tags to take with you on your hunt. You or your outfitter will attach one tag to every skin, skull, and set of horns. These tags have your information, your custom broker’s information, and Legends Taxidermy Studio’s information to help ease and expedite getting your trophies back to the United States.


For trophies coming from outside of the United States:

Your trophies will be imported through either Fauna & Flora Customhouse Broker in Jamacia, New York or Coppersmith Inc. in Chicago, Illinois. The broker will be your receiving agent for your trophies once they reach the designated port. You will be contacted by the broker when they receive your trophies. You will pay them for their services and then they will then

expedite your trophies to us. Your broker will also assist you with CITES and other import/export paperwork.


Once Legends Taxidermy Studios receives your trophies:

A member of our staff will receive your trophies and do an inventory. They will then contact you to let you know your trophies are at Legends Taxidermy Studios and will work with you to evaluate your trophies and pose instructions, then finalize your order.


We will email, mail, or fax a deposit invoice:

For 50% of the charges accompanied by a Hold/Harmless Agreement. The deposit is non-refundable. The Hold/Harmless Agreement is a standard agreement that we keep on file for every client. This needs to be signed and returned with your 50% deposit. From the time that we receive those 2 things (along with your pose instructions), your less then 6 month turn-around time will begin!

Once your trophies are nearing completion:

We will send you a final invoice for the remaining 50% balance on your order, accompanied by a detailed letter with all of the shipping options available to you. Final payment is due within 10 days and must be received before shipping is scheduled.


You can select the shipping method that you prefer:

In addition to shipping, arrangements can be made for your trophies to be personally delivered by Legends Taxidermy Studios staff. The staff at Legends Taxidermy Studios can make arrangements to come to your home and work with you on a design layout for your custom mounts

© 2017 by Legends Taxidermy. 

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